Enactus 2024- 2016

Banner Bags

About Us

Many students are unaware of the amount of waste that we throw away, and this ultimately goes into the landfills. By educating high school students about environmental sustainability, they can make greener decisions and help their communities to become more sustainable for present and future generations. Banner Bags works to achieve this by developing an education curriculum targeted at high school students to highlight the management of waste through the upcycling of banners that students can constantly reuse.


Banner Bags works to develop an education curriculum targeted at high school students to highlight the management of waste through the upcycling of banners that students can constantly reuse.

3 Components

  • Our Education team goes to various high schools (goal: 1-2 schools a week and a goal of 1000 students impacted) and presents to high school students on environmental sustainability. At the presentations, we provide classroom with a class set of banners, which they upcycle into Banner Bags. Banner companies provide our program with used street banners that would ordinarily be thrown into the landfill.

  • After the textiles’ students have the new-found knowledge and by targeting other student groups, the Go Green Challenge lets students explore their creativity by finding ways to upcycle waste in their communities through projects. The progress will be tracked through monthly follow-up mentorship sessions and through the creation of videos.

  • We are also working on a revenue generating social enterprise model with Common Thread.

Triple Bottom Line

  • Social

    We engage highschool students to be more aware about sustainability issues and help them contribute to make their communities into bags

  • Economic

    We support other organizations like Common Thread and work with them to secure reliable streams of revenue

  • Environmental

    We take city street banners and work with high school students to upcycle them into bags. By diverting this waste from the landfill, we can minimize the harmful impact on the communities we live in.